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Votre fondation de prévoyance

At COPRÉ, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service.

Whether you have questions about our services, need assistance with your account, or want to learn more about our collective pension solutions, our team is here for you.

Administration of the insured

Place de la Gare 12
P.O. Box 420
CH-1001 Lausanne 
+41 21 310 12 30

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday
08h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00

08h30-12h00 / 13h30-16h00 

Head office

Avenue de Champel 4
CH-1206 Genève

+41 (0)21 310 12 30


Europaallee 41
CH-8021 Zürich

+41 (0)021 310 12 30

Bank details

Credit Suisse – 8070 Zurich
CCP: 80-500-4
Clearing: 4835
Compte: 759783-51
IBAN: CH18 0483 5075 9783 5100 0

Our Organization

Direct Contact

Are you looking for a personalized contact? Please find the contact details of our employees in the Organization section.